
Discovering the Missing Peace: A Journey to Wholeness


Finding moments of peace can be a rare treasure in our hectic lives. We clutch these moments, hoping they will linger a little longer, providing respite from our daily trials. But what if I told you that there's a deeper, more profound peace that transcends the pain and fear we face in our lives? That's precisely what we explored in a recent sermon, and I'm excited to share the insights and wisdom we've gained on this quest for the elusive Missing Peace.

The Search for Peace

We all long for peace, and sometimes it feels like an elusive dream. The sermon began by introducing us to the Hebrew concept of "Shalom." Shalom is more than just the absence of problems; it encompasses the idea of wholeness, completeness, and fullness of peace. It's a peace that we can experience with God, one another, ourselves, and even in the midst of our circumstances. Shalom is the promise of God's enduring presence, not the assurance of a trouble-free life.

The Promise of Peace

Isaiah, the prophet, reminds us of God's promise in the midst of our troubles. We read in Isaiah 26:3-4: "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal." This verse teaches us that perfect peace is not found in perfect circumstances but in steadfast trust in the Lord. When we focus our minds on God, on His character and His faithfulness, we can find peace that surpasses understanding.

In this sermon, we were encouraged to put this into practice. Focusing on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy, and thinking about these things can shift our perspective and help us find peace even in the midst of trials.

Application in Daily Life

To discover Missing Peace, we need to apply these principles to our daily lives. We learned practical steps to embrace God's Shalom:

  1. Let Go of Negative Mindsets: Release anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Holding onto these emotions only disrupts your inner peace.

  2. Foster Harmony in Relationships: Strive for peace with others. Apologize when necessary, forgive when needed, and seek reconciliation in strained relationships.

  3. Embrace God's Goodness: Even in the midst of adversity, acknowledge God's presence. Trust that He is with you, holding your hand through the storms.

  4. Practicing Praise and Gratitude: Develop a habit of praising God and expressing gratitude, focusing on the things that are noble, right, and pure.

  5. Shift Your Perspective: Replace anxiety, fear, and doubt with the knowledge that God is always there, holding your hand and guiding your future.


The Missing Peace we often yearn for is not elusive; it's attainable through a deeper understanding of Shalom, God's enduring presence, and our trust in Him. It's about focusing our minds on God, nurturing our relationships, and letting go of negativity. Peace doesn't mean the absence of challenges; it means walking through those challenges hand in hand with a God who holds our tomorrow.

As you reflect on the wisdom shared in this sermon, I encourage you to take steps to embrace the Missing Peace in your life. Embrace God's promise, apply it daily, and share the peace you find with those around you. The journey to Shalom, to wholeness and completeness, begins with a single step of trust in the God of peace.