Living the Blessed Life: Through the Lens of Jesus

Hey there, Horizon Church family! It's Erica Allen, one of your pastors, and it's such a joy to see all your smiling faces here today. But before we dive into today's message, I want to take a moment to reflect on something that happened earlier this week.

You know, on Monday, there was this spectacular event—the eclipse. Even though we couldn't see it in its entirety, special glasses were handed out everywhere. It got me thinking about how we're often asked to put on different glasses in life. Sometimes, it's like we're given rose-colored glasses, seeing everything as "awesome" even when it's not. Other times, it's like we're forced to wear glasses that make everything look dark and gloomy, especially when we watch the news.

But Jesus offers us another way—a way to see the world through a different lens. I'm reminded of his words in Matthew 5, where he speaks to a crowd gathered on a hillside, sharing words of hope and blessing. He talks about the blessedness of the poor in spirit, the mourners, the meek, and so on.

Jesus didn't just preach these words; he lived them out. He showed us what it means to be a peacemaker, to extend mercy, to hunger and thirst for righteousness. And ultimately, he demonstrated the depth of God's love by sacrificing himself on the cross.

But the story doesn't end there. Jesus rose again, defeating sin and death, and he sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to live out these blessings in our own lives.

As I reflect on the early church described in Acts 2, I'm reminded of the ABCs of living a blessed life: being all-inspired, breaking bread, and being community-focused. This week, I've seen these principles come to life in our church community.

From Jack and his mom delivering meals to seniors, to our church family gathering for meals, sharing stories, and supporting one another, I've witnessed the beauty of living out Jesus' teachings.

And now, as we look ahead to exciting developments like the bowling alley ministry, I'm filled with hope and anticipation for the ways God will continue to work through us to bless our community.

So, let's commit to living out the ABCs of the blessed life together. There's work to be done, but with Jesus leading the way, I know we can make a difference.

Amen, friends. Let's go out and be a blessing wherever we go!