Finding Peace and Blessing in the Midst of Difficulty


Our message series is "Missing Peace," in this blog, we'll explore how to find peace and blessing, even amid difficulties.

Blessing: A Good Word for Everyone

In our message, we discussed the concept of blessing. In the Greek language, the word "bless" is derived from "eulogeo," where "eu" means "good" and "logeo" means "word." So, to bless someone is to offer a good word. It's about speaking life and encouragement into another person's life.

Think about when you've experienced a simple, kind word of encouragement when you needed it most. Maybe it was a teacher, a friend, or a family member. Blessings are powerful. They transform lives. These words can change how we see ourselves and the world around us.

Blessing Those Who Are Difficult to Love

Paul's message to the church in Rome reminds us not only to bless those who are easy to love but also those who might be challenging to love. Can you think of someone in your life who fits that description? Perhaps a co-worker, a family member, or even a neighbor.

Offering a blessing to someone who frustrates or irritates you is challenging. It requires us to put aside our feelings and extend a good word in the face of adversity. Remember, Jesus calls us to take these steps in offering peace and blessing.

Mourning and Rejoicing Together

Paul also encourages us to be sensitive to those around us. In our fast-paced world, we often get caught up in our lives and goals, neglecting the people we encounter daily. Take time to connect with the people in your life, whether in moments of joy or sorrow.

If someone close to you is rejoicing, celebrate with them wholeheartedly. Share in their happiness and acknowledge their achievements. This simple act of compassion can strengthen your relationships and fill your heart with joy.

Conversely, when someone is mourning, be there for them. Empathize with their pain and offer comfort. Our presence, support, and understanding can make all the difference to someone suffering.

Living at Peace with Everyone

Finally, Paul implores us to live at peace with everyone to the best of our abilities. We must understand that circumstances are beyond our control, and we can't always maintain peace.

Nevertheless, within our influence, we can actively pursue peaceful interactions. This is especially pertinent during the holiday season when emotions run high and family gatherings can be tense. Let us strive to be peacemakers in our homes and communities.


As we wrap up this blog post, remember that you are worthy of the peace that Jesus offers. He is willing to forgive and provide you peace, no matter what you've done or where you've been. Accept this peace, and let it multiply within you and shine onto others.

Our world desperately needs more of this peace and blessing. By practicing these principles of blessing, mourning, rejoicing, and living at peace, we can change lives and make the world a better place. Will you join us in this endeavor?

If you've been inspired by this blog post, please consider sharing it with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can be instruments of peace and blessing in a world desperately needing it.

God bless you all, and may you continue to find the missing peace in your lives.